MSc in Management: Reputation, Course Content and Pursuing Strengths

MSc in Management: Reputation, Course Content and Pursuing Strengths


It is the "broad spectrum" program par excellence among the Masters of Science offered by Bocconi University. But it has the task of training specialists. This should not seem contradictory and the reason why is explained by Alessandro Minichilli, Full Professor at the Bocconi Department of Management & Technology and Director of the Master of Science in Management: "We train specialists for the different business functions," explains Minichilli, "with a path that provides a detailed overview of all functions in the first year, and the choice of a specific major in the second. With the ultimate aim of training managers to reach top positions." A perfect balance between openness and specialization.

The program is held in both Italian (three class groups) and English (two class groups), but is in effect an international program that adopts English as the official language. "There is a lot of demand for the English class groups from international students from some of the major European countries. The program has a considerable international reputation. In the Italian market, we receive applications from all over Italy, so it is highly selective."
Management programs are offered by many universities in Europe, including very high-profile options. What is the strength of Bocconi's program that makes it so attractive on the international market? "I would say a mixture of elements," continues Minichilli. "These include the University's appeal, which is at the top of the rankings and which, especially in management, has been placed at the very top. There is also the course content: there are lots of curricular options, Double Degrees, lots of exchange programs as well as opportunities for specialization. Teaching is also enriched by guest speakers who are professionals with on-the-job experience, company visits, case study discussions, ad hoc seminars and group work. Last but not least, we are a true research university, where research findings are shared in the classroom."

Regarding placement on the labor market, this MSc program has a wide variety of employment opportunities: "About a third are in consultancy," Minichilli says, "another third in industrial areas and the rest in services, including the Big Four, finance and insurance."

by Davide Ripamonti
Translated by Jenna Walker

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