
#DoTellBocconi. Andrea Colli

, by Benedetta Ciotto
Discover the undergraduate program World Bachelor in Business through the answers of Professor Andrea Colli

Protagonist of #DoTellBocconi for the World Bachelor in Business undergraduate program is Andrea Colli, who answered a burst of 32 questions in front of the camera. You can read are all his answers here below.

  1. What adjective describes you


  1. If you were an animal?

A wolf

  1. The best quality for a student


  1. As a teacher, what adjective fits you?


  1. If your program was a cult movie?

"Kill Bill"

  1. Create a motto for your program

Around the World in WBB

  1. The phrase you like best to say in class

And now we deserve a spritz

  1. Three things you would take to a desert island

Running shoes, mountain bike and....4G

  1. The book that your students should absolutely read

"Around the World in 80 Days"

  1. If your course was a dish, what would it be?

Fusion for sure

  1. What do you like to sing in the shower (or car)?

"Hallelujah", Leonard Cohen

  1. Any obsessions?

Swiss weather forecasting

  1. The most beautiful gift you ever received

My daughters

  1. And the most useless one?


  1. What kind of student were you?


  1. The exam you found most difficult (as a student)


  1. Where did you / would you do your Erasmus?


  1. What superpower would you like to have?

To fly

  1. What superpower does your program provide?

Understanding complexity

  1. Your hero?


  1. As a child you dreamed of becoming

Alpine guide

  1. You cannot live without


  1. If you could meet a figure from the past, who would it be?

Gengis Khan

  1. In which country would you like to live?


  1. If your program was a sport, what would it be?


  1. Something you think needs to be invented


  1. Your most unbridled passion


  1. Something you just cannot stand in the classroom

To be in the classroom

  1. If you were the protagonist of a novel, who would you be?

Joseph Roth's Holy Drinker

  1. In the future, where will lessons take place?

In the Bocconi new campus, of course

  1. The work of art that most represents your course

"The Girl with the Pearl Earring"

  1. What would you ask from the genie of the lamp?


#DoTellBocconi - Andrea Colli/World Bachelor in Business

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