
Daniela unveils the secret to rise, from Ruffano to Bocconi

, by Laura Fumagalli
The latest book by SDA Bocconi's professor proves that believing in yourself is the key to success

If you were born in Ruffano, a district of 9 thousand citizens in the backcountry of Salento, if you are the fifth of six sons, if your dad is a miner and your mum is a housewife, your fate seems to be prearranged and unchangeable. At the age of 14 you can't afford the kids' carelessness: you employ as a housekeeper, as a worker, you have to take what you find. And you dream to have a different life than the one everybody predict for you.

This is the theme of the new autobiographical book by Daniela Preite, a professor of business management at SDA Bocconi and Università di Lecce and a writer for passion. With Anima e successo. Il Segreto per Risalire: giù al nord, four-handed with radio host Fernando Proce, who comes from Salento too, Daniela wanted to share her experience of suffering and redemption with the aim to divulge what she has called "The Secret to Rise Again". Which is it? Believe in yourself. Together with a fair amount of perseverance.

From the moment she gained her degree, Daniela showed to the world that you can always overcome the hurdle on which everybody says you'll get stuck because that is your fate and it is unchangeable. And she decided to aim for even higher objective and to become a professor. "Everybody was telling me: 'You will never teach at the University, it's something reserved to professors' sons'", SDA Bocconi professor now recalls. With a great resolution and self-confidence, instead, she was able to unmask any prejudice.

The book targets "all the people who felt discouragement in their lives, often fueled by their family or friends", Daniela explains. "To all those who want to fulfill their dreams and feel disheartened. To all the confused eyes, looking for an answer and a direction, that I see at classes", she says. To all of them, Daniela's story proves that "success means to make what you want with your life". And overcome the skepticism of the people who doesn't trust us, even if this means to antagonize your loved ones.

Daniela has also published Il bilancio dei desideri. Realizzare i propri sogni per essere felici for Sperling & Kupfer and many other projects are forthcoming: "I have so many plans", she says, "that I wish I could realize all of them in this life!".