
Pact4Future Is for the People

, by Barbara Orlando
The international forum promoted by Bocconi and Corriere della Sera kicks into gear with Shirin Ebadi, Alessio Boni, Luca Trapanese and Maya Ghazal discussing rights and conflicts, gender equality and educational poverty

There will be no future if human capital is not put at the center of everyone's actions, or if we fail to overcome "three challenges that put our tomorrow at risk: the demographic transition, the paradox of work, and the twin duo of migration and integration." On Tuesday 26 March, Francesco Billari, demographer and Rector of Bocconi University, will thus introduce the heading PEOPLE that characterizes the second day of Pact4Future, the international forum organized by Bocconi and Corriere della Sera.

Pact4Future will last from 25 to 28 March, and will explore the conceptual triad of People, Purpose and Planet, by energizing Milan with the intellectual powers of over 80 distinguished international speakers enlivening 9 discussion sessions: visionary scientists and entrepreneurs, activists and artists who use their creativity to change the world. Four days in which economic institutions and entrepreneurial organizations, philanthropic foundations and non-profit associations will convene to discuss how to strike a pact that can share and promote forward-looking projects and virtuous actions that are crucial for social advancement and environmental remediation (see the forum's full program).

In fact, there are two events scheduled for 26 March: the first starting at 3:00pm in the Amplifon Auditorium (register here), while the second commences at 8:30pm in the Aula Magna (register here). The focus of the afternoon is "Diversity as an opportunity." There will be significant attention given to the best practices that support women's empowerment and achieve gender equality, with panelists like Monica Poggio, CEO of Bayer SpA, Paola Profeta, Bocconi Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability, and Federica Tremolada, Spotify's Managing Director for Southern and Eastern Europe. There will also be major reflections on the integration of immigrants and refugees into the world of jobs, with a conversation between Rector Billari and Raphaela Schweiger, Director of Migration Program at the Robert Bosch Foundation, followed by a discussion with Fabio Costantini, CEO of Randstad HR Solutions, Gabriele Galateri di Genola, President of The Human Safety Net, and Christian Richmond Nzi, Founder and CEO of MyGrants.

The contrasts and inequalities of today's societies, with a look at how to overcome them, will dominate the evening discussion under the heading of PEOPLE, which will be opened by Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi, who will discuss women's rights and war in the Middle East.

The condition of children in military conflicts, educational poverty and inclusion of persons with disability will be brought on the stage of Bocconi's Aula Magna by Daniela Fatarella of Save the Children in the company of actor Alessio Boni, by Tom Dannat of Street Child and Manuel Kohnstamm of Liberty Global, and by Bocconi sociologist Nicoletta Balbo together with Giacomo Mazzariol, author of the children's book "My Brother Chases Dinosaurs," and Luca Trapanese, founder of Il Borgo Sociale.

But addressing conflicts and improving society is possible as demonstrated by the stories of Honey Thaljieh, co-founder and first captain of the Palestinian women's national football team, who now works as Public Relations Manager for FIFA, and Maya Ghazal, refugee, UNHCR Ambassador and first female air pilot ever in Syria. They will converse with two young refugees currently studying at Bocconi thanks to the UNICORE program: Hafsa Nagawa, who escaped with her parents from Tanzania and lived for years in a refugee camp in Mozambique, and Léa Christine Itumu Kikora, who, before arriving at Bocconi, lived her whole life in Cameroon as a refugee.

Other protagonists of the evening will be Mara Panajia, President and CEO of Henkel Italia, Renato Mazzoncini, CEO of A2A energy company, and Elisa Zambito Marsala, Head of Education Ecosystem and Global Value Programs for Intesa Sanpaolo. They will discuss female empowerment, welfare policies that support parenting, and the essential skills for the society of the future.

"Only a rational and far-sighted pact between countries," concludes Billari, "can avoid turning contrasts into conflicts. Only through a rational and data-based pact between institutions and companies, will we be able to truly implement the social objectives of sustainable development, i.e. the 'S' in the ESG trio of Environmental, Social, Governance, and thus really put people first."

Pact4Future – PEOPLE. From the right:
Francesco Billari, Professore ordinario di Demografia e Rettore Università Bocconi
Fabio Costantini, Amministratore Delegato Randstad HR Solution per Without Borders
Gabriele Galateri di Genola, Presidente The Human Safety Net
Monica Poggio, Amministratore Delegato Bayer SpA
Paola Profeta, Professoressa ordinaria di Public economics, Prorettrice per la Diversità, Inclusione e Sostenibilità della Bocconi, Direttrice dell'AXA Research Lab on Gender Equality
Christian Richmond Nzi, Founder e CEO MyGrants
Raphaela Schweiger, Director Migration, Global Issues, Robert Bosch Foundation
Federica Tremolada, Managing Director Southern and Eastern Europe Spotify
Enrico Vita, Amministratore Delegato Amplifon

Pact4Future – PEOPLE. From the right:
Nicoletta Balbo, Professoressa associata di Sociologia Università Bocconi
Francesco Billari, Professore ordinario di Demografia e Rettore Università Bocconi
Alessio Boni, Attore
Tom Dannat, Founder and CEO di Street Child
Shirin Ebadi, Avvocato e pacifi sta iraniana, Premio Nobel per la Pace 2003
Daniela Fatarella, Direttrice Save the Children Italia
Maya Ghazal, Rifugiata e Ambasciatrice UNHCR
Lèa Christine Itumu Kikora, Studentessa Università Bocconi, programma UNICORE
Manuel Kohnstamm, Senior Vice President and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer di Liberty Global
Giacomo Mazzariol, Autore "Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri", Einaudi
Renato Mazzoncini, Amministratore Delegato A2A
Hafsa Nagawa, Studentessa Università Bocconi, programma UNICORE
Marilisa Palumbo, Caporedattore Esteri Corriere della Sera
Mara Panajia, Presidente e Amministratore Delegato Henkel Italia
Honey Thaljieh, Co-founder Palestinian Women's National Football team and first Captain, Public Relations Manager for FIFA
Luca Trapanese, Scrittore e Assessore al welfare del Comune di Napoli
Elisa Zambito Marsala, Responsabile Education Ecosystem and Global Value Programs – Intesa Sanpaolo