
Best 2017/2018 Thesis on Arbitration: The Award Goes to a Bocconi Graduate

, by Andrea Celauro
Marco Seregni wins the Daniele Padovani award from the Italian Society of International Law and European Union Law

He graduated in December 2018 in Law, with professor Giorgio Sacerdoti as advisor, with a thesis entitled "International Arbitration to the test of private enforcement of the EU Competition Law". Now that work has been reconized by the Italian Society of International Law and European Union law (Sidi), as the best thesis 2017/2018 on private and procedural international law issues. The author, Marco Seregni, received the "Daniele Padovani" award during the ceremony that Sidi held on June 5th in Rome.

"This thesis", reads the motivation for the award, "with methodological rigor, clarity of exposition and favoring a perspective of comparison with the US experience, analyzes the main features of the proceeding, arriving at original reflections and supported by valid arguments".

After doing an exchange program at Penn State University during the fourth year of study, and participating in the Bocconi team during the Vis Moot of international arbitration during the fifth, today Marco does forensic practice on arbitration issues at the Di Berti-Jacchia studio.