
The Bocconi Film Festival Starts Again with Woody Allen

, by Benedetta Ciotto
Six films in English and one in French on the agenda of the new cycle of the Film Festival. First date on September 18 at 8,15 in the Aula Magna Gobbi with Cafe' Society

Seven Mondays of cinema in original version starting from September 18: the Bocconi Film Festival is back after the summer break. The initiative, organized by the Bocconi Language Center aimed at allowing students, faculty members and staff to expand their language skills, re-opens with the projection of Woody Allen's Café Society at 8:15pm in the Aula Magna of via Gobbi. What's new in this fifteenth edition is the introduction of a French movie, La Famille Bélier, by Éric Lartigau, which will be screened in the original language with French subtitles. All the other films will be in English with English subtitles: from science fiction movies (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) to biopics (The Founder), thrillers (Vertigo), fantasy (Beauty and the Beast) and animated film (Zootropolis).

Each film is introduced by a language teacher and accompanied by a summary language card, which includes a monolingual glossary, specially prepared for each film.
Here's the program.