
Mario Monti Appointed to the Committee That Will Select ENA's Next Director

, by Fabio Todesco
Bocconi's President is the only foreigner in a four member body appointed by President Macron and Prime Minister Philippe

President of France Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Édouard Philippe have appointed Bocconi President Mario Monti to a four-member committee that will screen the candidates for Director of the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA), proceed to hearings and make the selection. The position has been vacant since ENA's Director, Nathalie Loiseau, has become Minister for Europe on June 21.

Established in 1945, ENA was designed to educate a highly competent elite, almost always destined to the highest ranks of the French civil service, and is placed under the auspices of the Prime Minister. Both President Macron and Prime Minister Philippe are ENA graduates.

Professor Monti is the only non-French member of the committee, which includes Marc Guillaume, General Secretary of the French Government, Marion Guillou, Chairman of the Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France and former President of École Polytechnique, and Agnès Roblot-Troizier, Professor at the Sorbonne Law School.

"I'm honored to have been called by President Macron and Prime Minister Philippe to serve on the Committee that will select the next ENA Director", Professor Monti said. "I have gladly accepted their invitation, which I also consider to be an acknowledgement of Bocconi University's international prestige".