
A Donation to Defend the Planet

, by Davide Ripamonti
Alumna Alice Bordini Staden, Development board member of Client Earth, an NGO that fights to defend the planet, has decided to support the Bocconi GREEN research center

"There is awareness and interest around issues such as climate change, desertification and planetary health in general. What is lacking, unfortunately, are concrete plans of action". This is the cry of alarm uttered by Alice Bordini Staden, Bocconi class of 1997 (Degree in Finance), a financial executive in London, who today sits on the board in charge of development for Client Earth, an NGO based in the UK capital composed of lawyers and environmental experts who petition courts and initiate lawsuits to safeguard the health of the Earth. "I chose Bocconi, and in particular the finance degree, then in its second edition, because I was fascinated by financial markets," says Alice Bordini, and adds: "Right after graduation and my CEMS Master in Barcelona, I moved to London where I started my career ".

Twenty years of a rising career as fund manager in hedge funds, until she established her own company, GLC Advisors Ltd. Over the last year, the focus has shifted from managing hedge funds to climate finance, with a scope that ranges from investors to corporations and policy. "I work with institutional investors to help them exercise their rights and duties as responsible and engaged investors with key companies, as well as with policymakers for their essential role in setting up a sustainable framework," she explains.

However, Alice's action in favor of the environment is not limited to the professional sphere: "For years, my husband and I have been supporting scientific and educational initiatives on climate change through donations," she says, "such as the one supporting GREEN, the Bocconi research center on geography, energy and the environment, which was created to conduct and promote research on socio-economic phenomena in relation to global warming, environmental policy and energy industry analysis."

(In the photo, Alice Bordini Staden is pictured left, while Valentina Bosetti, in charge of the projects on climate change supported by the donation, is pictured right).