
Bachelor Programs 2017 2018: Applications to the First Session are Now Open

, by Benedetta Ciotto
From October 13 the possibility to submit applications to the winter session for enrolling in the Bachelor Programs of Bocconi University

Applications to the first selection session to enter the undergraduate programs offered by Bocconi for the 2017-2018 academic year will be open from October 13 to January 20 and they can also be submitted through the My Application platform.

The English undergraduate programs on offer are diverse and range from Economics and Finance to Management and Political Science. There are the newly born Bachelor in Economics, Management and Computer Science, aimed at educating professionals able to interpret data through the lens of economic models focusing on the dynamics of the digital economy and social media, and the more traditional programs in International Economics and Management and in International Economics and Finance. There is also an undergraduate program in Economics and Management in Arts, Culture and Communication, dedicated to those who are curious about the artistic, cultural and creative sectors, and a Bachelor in Economic and Social Sciences, that centers around the important relation between economics and quantitative methods. Regarding the field of politics, Bocconi University offers an undergraduate program in International Politics and Government, opened since 2015. A separate mention should instead be made for the World Bachelor in Business, born thanks to the partnership between Bocconi University, University of Southern California and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, whose applications open on October 20.

For more insights on the undergraduate offer, on the selection method and on the services offered by the university high school students can participate in the Orientation Days, dedicated to high school students and planned on November 11 and 12 from 8.30am to 2.30pm in via Roentgen 1. In addition, the University offers many other initiatives designed to address prospective students' needs and planned all over the world.