
A Summer of Luxury in Milan for Bachelor Students

, by Tomaso Eridani
From fashion to food to wine. In July a course in Luxury Management at the new Bocconi Summer School, open to bachelor students from all over the world, to learn the secrets of luxury brands

Understand the foundations of strategy and management to have success in the luxury segment of sectors which range from food&beverage to fashion, from automotive to jewelry. This is the aim of the Luxury Management course at the new Bocconi Summer School, in calendar from 6 to 24 July in Milan, the city which will be hosting EXPO2015.

The Summer School, a new initiative from Università Bocconi, with courses taught entirely in English, is reserved to 120 bachelor students from all over the world, divided among the 4 courses proposed (the other 3 are Equity & Venture Capital Financing, Economics of European Union and Sport Management). Applications close on May 4.

"If we look at recent financial results, European Luxury Groups have proven to be very resilient and have been able to adapt to the changes and dynamism of the current competitive context. And all this thanks to a 'magic alchemy' combining great strategic mindset and management ability," explains Luana Carcano, SDA Bocconi Professor of Strategic and Entrepreneurial Management and coordinator of the course. "In these 3 weeks we will explain this alchemy, the secrets to succeeding in the luxury business and the best practices in terms of strategy and innovation which are then also applicable in other sectors."

The program will deal with aspects such as successful business model in luxury business, analysis of the main sectors (fashion, food and beverage, cosmetics, jewelry, automotive, hospitality), value creation, sustainable growth strategies, managing a global luxury brand and the analysis of future trends.

The course will engage students not only in traditional lecture hours but also in group works, business cases study and company visits, including to Lamborghini and to a winery in the Franciacorta region. Visits which will allow participants to interact and discuss directly with executives and representatives of luxury and premium segment firms about all the most important aspects related to production, innovation and communication.

The program will be rounded out with a whole day dedicated to the visit of the pavilions of EXPO2015.