#DoTellBocconi. Giulia Cappellaro

#DoTellBocconi. Giulia Cappellaro


Protagonist of #DoTellBocconi for the Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment graduate program is Giulia Cappellaro, who answered a burst of 32 questions in front of the camera. You can read are all her answers here below.
  1. What adjective describes you
  1. If you were an animal?
Cheetah: fast and early riser
  1. The best quality for a student
Pragmatic idealism
  1. As a teacher, what adjective fits you?
  1. If your program was a cult movie?
“Blade Runner”
  1. Create a motto for your program 
Creativity is the tip of an iceberg made of passion, commitment and daily work
  1. The phrase you like best to say in class
Assumptions exist to be challenged, but to do so, you must be curious and ready to learn and work hard
  1. Three things you would take to a desert island 
A fishing pole, Robinson Crusoe and Anime Salve by De Andrè
  1. The book that your students should absolutely read 
“Sense and Sensibility” by J. Austen, followed by “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” by W. Benjamin
  1. If your course was a dish, what would it be?
  1. What do you like to sing in the shower (or car)?
“La Vie en Rose” by Edith Piaf
  1. Any obsessions? 
3.5 cups of coffee between 6 and 7am, every morning
  1. The most beautiful gift you ever received
The first trip alone, in India
  1. And the most useless one? 
One of the many cookbooks that I regularly receive every Christmas
  1. What kind of student were you? 
The kind of student I urge my students not to be! Shy and anxious
  1. The exam you found most difficult (as a student)
Information Systems. A paradox for the daughter of a computer engineer
  1. Where did you / would you do your Erasmus?
  1. What superpower would you like to have?
Time manipulation
  1. What superpower does your program provide?
Easy: omniscience
  1. Your hero?
I would rather speak of role model: Rita Levi Montalcini
  1. As a child you dreamed of becoming
  1. You cannot live without
My two cats
  1. If you could meet a figure from the past, who would it be?
Leonardo da Vinci, a genius able to combine arts and science for the progress of humankind
  1. In which country would you like to live? 
A country where respect is the rule of law and altruism is the currency
  1. If your program was a sport, what would it be?
Fencing: acumen, readiness of mind, discipline and unconditioned passion
  1. Something you think needs to be invented
A device to track emotions and turn disruptive emotions into constructing ones
  1. Your most unbridled passion
Hiking in the Alps
  1. Something you just cannot stand in the classroom
The inappropriate use of technologies
  1.  If you were the protagonist of a novel, who would you be?
Sherlock Holmes
  1. In the future, where will lessons take place?
In the nature
  1. The work of art that most represents your course 
“Composition X” by V. Kandinsky
  1. What would you ask from the genie of the lamp?
That every graduate could capitalize on the values and the lessons learned to cultivate their professional project and never give up

by Benedetta Ciotto

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