
Padua? Like a StartUp

, by Andrea Celauro
The new BAA Chapter led by Andrea Rizzi is composed of young and active people, who have started by organizing discussions on new firms and job profiles in the region

The Padua Chapter of the Bocconi Alumni association is only few months old, but it has already organized two significant events. The BAA chapter started in February this year and intends to involve the 500 alumni living in the area. It is led by Andrea Rizzi, 40 years old and SDA Bocconi graduate, now CFO of THRON, a software company specializing in digital content, which is in its startup phase.

In fact, for the alumni group the issue of startups is crucial around which start networking and collaboration activities. "On April 28, we did an event focusing on new firms led by young entrepreneurs in our area. We called it Starting Up and invited the Austrian alumnus Marco Reiter, who founded Scarosso in Germany in 2010, a company selling shoes via the web which owns six stores in the country and has recently launched the startup Tucoffee, Andrea Giaretta, manager at Uber, and Carlo Cianfrone, president of Custodi di successo [Successful Custodians], an association of business angels," says the Bocconi alumnus.

Job interviews and career development is another front the Rizzi group has worked on by bringing Claudio Ceper's seminar to Padua on June 16: "We have involved Ceper since the day one and he was the highlight of our second event, because we feel we have to provide members in our regions with additional tools so they can better seize the professional opportunities the market offers."

Rizzi concludes by pointing to the next future: "We want to organize exclusive visits to cultural institutions and plan for a program of team-building activities."