
Around Here, Art Means Bocconi Arts Campus. With 60 Meters of Murals

, by Andrea Celauro
BAC is the University community that brings together and gives a voice to fans of many artistic expressions. Including street art, with a mural made by the artist Arianna Vairo about student life

Classical, rock, jazz, blues and even folk and choral arrangements. Plus theater of all kinds, and musicals, films and live performances inside and outside the halls of the University. And of course exhibitions of contemporary art, photography, installations and meetings with artists and representatives of the art market. Not to mention a huge mural 60 meters long now being done by Arianna Vairo. A universe of artistic expressions to which the Bocconi Arts Campus (BAC) project gives voice. They send a single message: Bocconi University not only speaks the language of economics and law, but also of culture and art.

"Bocconi Arts Campus aims to bring the Bocconi community to the artistic and cultural life of the city", says the chairman of BAC, Paola Dubini, "giving, on the one hand, the opportunity to grapple with internal productions and performances; on the other, developing sensitivity and attention to the arts and creating managerial and entrepreneurial workshops in these areas. "

The latest project is the large stone canvas representing the face of the University and its community. The long wall is in the hands illustrator and engraver Arianna Vairo and will be presented to the community on 2 November at 6pm: "Fresh paint", as the initiative is called, speaks of what Bocconi is, interpreting the suggestions of those who are here every day. "The design of the wall," adds Paola Dubini, "is an important first opportunity to reflect together on the importance and significance of the university experience."

A mural that tells of the hearts and minds of thousands of people is, therefore, intended as a choral work, one that puts down the lives and experiences of students and alumni in black and white (and colors). So propose your meters of wall, send us your photo with the work, your suggestions and your thoughts on being at Bocconi university. You can do so by participating in the Bocconi Arts Campus Facebook group, the best way to stay current on the many events at the University. For information you can also write to Step forward, if you love art and culture. Please get in touch!