
Universiday, now young people become protagonists

, by Ilaria Ricotti
Five categories to show your creativity: music, photography, video making, urban art and writing

Universiday, the project of Corriere della Sera in collaboration with universities and academies in Milan and the association Miworld, the Chamber of Commerce and the City of Milan, founded with the aim of promoting Milan as a pole of international academic excellence, has brought to universities and academies in Milan international guests and organized talks and conferences about the most innovative themes, and now is the time for young people to get involved.
The occasion is a contest that will comprehend five different areas: music, for young people enthusiastic about composing, writing lyrics or playing instruments; photography, with the task to picture "Milan, my city: portrait of a changing metropolis" through portraits, landscapes, reports; writing, traditional stories or tales Tweet in 140 characters or poems, everything expressed in words is fine; videomaking, with videos of all kinds, from web series to reports, from short films to animation and finally, urban art, that allows people to upload to the site sketches in order to make their city more creative and fascinating ( the best will be drawn on a wall in Milan).
The projects will be rated on the web platform Universiday by users and selected by a jury. The best ones will have space on the stage of a big final event in May. In addition, the work will be presented on and subsequently they will have the chance, depending on the category to which they belong, to have at their disposal a recording studio with a sound engineer, or to realize and promote an ebook with the support of a professional editor, or to produce a photo shoot with the advice of an expert in this field and finally, the help of an art director to create a professional video. To better understand how to register and the rules of the game, click here.
You can send your projects until April 15, uploading on the platform of Universiday at this link.