
Play it again student

, by Barbara Orlando
Between lessons the chance for students to relax playing their favourite piece on a piano

The notes resounding today in the corridors of Bocconi where those of Nuvole bianche by Ludovico Einaudi as played by Giovanna Fondrieschi, enrolled in the 2nd year of the Biemf program at Bocconi. For a while now in fact in the entrance hall of Via Sarfatti and of the Library there are two pianos available to students, professors and staff. "For the many students like me who have a passion for music and who play the piano," says Giovanna, "the chance of having such a short break between lessons or exams is really great and relaxing." The initiative, possible thanks to Furcht Pianoforti of Milan, celebrates 30 years of music in Bocconi and the concert season held Thursday evenings in the in aula magna.

Un piano per gli studenti

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