
Strength in Numbers: Monday is Entrepreneurship Day

, by Ilaria Ricotti
Six student associations have collaborated to create an event in which six different speakers will talk about six different entrepreneurial topics

Six student associations, six speakers, six stories of success. This is Entrepreneurship Day, organized on 24 November at 3:45pm in Aula Magna Gobbi, by some of the Bocconi student associations active in the entrepreneurial field. Bocconi Young Students Entrepreneurs, BS.hive, E-club, Jeme Bocconi, Voce Imprenditori Italiani, 180 Degrees Consulting Bocconi Students, together with the Bocconi Alumni Association (BAA), have invited six international guests to explain and discuss with students different aspects of entrepreneurship today.

After an introduction by Gianfranco Minutolo, Director of BAA, the following speakers will participate: Antonio Concolino, co-founder and CEO of dPixel, invited by the BYSE association, on "How to Fund an Entrepreneurial Project"; Azzurra Giorgio, co-founder and CEO of Intervieweb, invited by JEME, on "Entrepreneurial Attitudes"; Lorenzo Allevi, CEO of OltreVenture, invited by 180Degrees, on "Social Venture Capital in Italy"; Francresco Ferri, co-founder and CEO of Innext and BAA Entrepreneurship Topic Leader, invited by E-Club on "The Internationalization of Italian Companies"; Daryush Arabnia, Executive market director and owner of Geico s.p.a, invited by Voce Imprenditori Italiani, on "The Excellence of Italian Entrepreneurship"; Carlotta Cattaneo, event and communication manager of InnovAction Lab, invited by BS.hive, on "The Importance of Team Building". Speakers will be moderated by Enrico Valdani, Bocconi faculty member of the Department of Marketing.

Click here to join the event on Facebook.